Mariana Fontes Pérez
Consultant in Urban Planning and Design
Academic Background:
Professor of the Department of Civil Construction, in the courses of Architecture, Urbanism and Civil Engineering, at the Federal Institute of Sao Paulo - FISP, Sao Paulo, 2018 onwards; Professor of the Nucleus of Urbanism at FAAO, Rio Branco, AC, Brazil, 2018 onwards; Professor of the Nucleus of Urbanism at the Course of Architecture and Urbanism, FIAM-FAAM, Sao Paulo, 2011-2013; Ph.D. in Architectural Design, FAU/USP - School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo, 2015; Master in Urban Environmental Structures, FAU/USP, Sao Paulo, 2008; Architect and Urbanist, FAU/USP, Sao Paulo, 2002.
Professional Experience:
Consultant in Urban Planning and Design, Sao Paulo, 2019 onwards; Partner and Director at Tecla Arquitetura, Sao Paulo, 2013-2018; Design Coordinator, N&W Arquitetos, Sao Paulo, 2008-2013.
Other positions:
Assistant Researcher at , NUTAU/USP – Nucleus of Research in the Technology of Architecture and Technology, Sao Paulo, 2015 onwards.
Proposta urbanística em Concurso Internacional para a Lagoa de Veneza, Itália
Urban Design Proposal in the International Competition for the Venice Lagoon, Italy