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Éder Bispo
Academic Background:
Professor, Course of Architecture and Urbanism, UFMT - Federal University of Mato Grosso, Campo Grande, MT, Brazil,
2008-09; Architect and Urbanist, UEL – Universidade Estadual de Londrina, Londrina, PR, Brazil,
Professional Experience:
Vice-President, e-DAU, Cuiaba, MT, Brazil, 2018-19; Director, e-DAU, Cuiaba, 2007-17; Vice-Director, Padovano Arquitetura em Rede, Cuiabá, 2002-06;
Director, MMEB arquitetos (Márcia Miranda + Éder Bispo – arquitetos), Cuiaba, 1995 onwards
Other Positions:
Counselor, CAU/MT– Council of Architecture and Urbanism of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2012/2014.
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