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Anibal Verri Júnior

Regional Director, Maringá, PR , Brazil

Academic background:

Measter in Urban Environmental Structures, FAU/USP - School of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo, Brazil, 2001;

Assistant Professor, FAU/UEL - School of Architecture and Urbanism of the State Univeristy of Londrina, Maringá, PR, Brazil, 1996 em diante;  Architect and Urbanist, FAU/UEL, 1993. 

Professional experience:

Partner-Director, 'Verri & Galvão Arquitetos', Maringá, 1996 onwards. 

Other positions:

Curator Southern Region, '3rd Oscar Niemeyer Prize, Biannual network of Architecture of Latin-America - REDBAAL, 2020; Curator Member, 'Panamerican Exhibition of Architecture 100 years', IAB / FPAA, 2020;  Member of the Jury, 'Ist Biannual of Architecture of Honduras,Tegucigalpa, Honduras, 2019; Extraordinary Vice Presidente of Nuclei, IAB/DN, Brasília, DF, Brazil, 2017-2019; Member of the Brazilian Selection Committee, 'X BIAU – Ibero-American Biannual of Architecture and Urbanism, 2016; Member of the Jury, 'Region 1 of the 27th Opera Prima Competition', 2016;  Vice President, IAB/PR - Institute of Architects of Brazil / Paraná Department, Curitiba, 2015-2016; President, Maringá Nucleus, IAB/PR, 2014-2016 e 2017-2019; Higher Counselor, IAB/PR, Curitiba, 2013 onwards; State Counselor CAU/PR - Council of Architecture and Urbanism / Departament of Paraná, Curitiba, 2012-2014 e 2015-2017.


Municipal Center for Children Education, Maringá, PR, Brazil

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