Maria Beatriz Afflalo Brandão / Bitiz Afflalo
Consultant in Design of Urban Furniture and Signaling
Academic background:
Researcher, 'Urban Projects and the City' Group, PROURB/FAU/UFRJ - Graduate Program in Urbanism, School of Architecture and Urbanism, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 2020 onwards.;
Ph.D. in Urbanism, PROURB/FAU/UFRJ, 2014; Master in Urbanism, PROURB/FAU/UFRJ, 2008; Professor, Silva and Souza School, where she was Director, 1984-1988; Professor, UVA - Veiga de Almeida University and UNISUAN - Augusto Motta University Center, 2016-2017; Bachelor in Industrial Design, Higher School of Industrial Design, UERJ - University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, 1973.
Professional Experience:
Organizer, Workshops and Disciplinary Modules at the invitation of professors and Schools, and Consultant, Companies and Institutions such as Dannemann, Siemsen, Bigler & Ipanema Moreira, Rio de Janeiro, 2013 onwards; Design Coordinator, Clear Channel Adshel, Rio de Janeiro,1999-2009; Partner Director, Office of Design A+ADesign (with Gloria Afflalo), Rio de Janeiro, 1995-2009; Partner Director, office of Design Modonovo Design, Rio de Janeiro, 1990-1995; Member, Teams of the 'Rio Cidade - Ipanema' (with Arch. Paulo Casé) and the 'Rio Cidade- Catete' programs (with Arch. Jorge Mário Jauregui), Rio de Janeiro, 1989-1992.
Other positions:
President, APIDNS, APDI/RJ - Professional Association of Industrial Designers of Rio de Janeiro,1985-1988; Advisor, IAB/RJ - Institute of Brazilian Architects, department of Rio de Janeiro, para o projeto Rio-Orla (com Ivan Ferreira), Rio de Janeiro, 1989-1992; Member, Team of the Institute of Industrial Design, Equipe do Instituto de Desenho Industrial do MAM | R - Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro (sob a coordenação de Karl Heinz Bergmiller), 1977-1986; Membro, Associação de Designers do Rio de Janeiro (ABDI - Brazilian Association of Industrial Designers, afterwards APDINS and APDI/RJ0, Rio de Janeiro, 1976-1988.
Consulting for the 'Rio-Orla' Competition (IAB/RJ), won by the team directed by the engineer Sérgio Magalhães Dias.