Eduardo de Oliveira e Silva Bicudo
Counselor and Consultant in Telecommunications Engineering
Academic background:
Legal Expert, Course of Legal Expertise, APEJESP - Association of Legal Experts of the State of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2019; Professor, MBA in Digital TV, UFF - Fluminense Federal University, São Paulo and Brasília, DF, Brazil, 2009-2015; Graduation Lato Sensu, Specialist in Telecommunications, School of Engineering, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, 1997; Training, International Course for engineers in broadcasting companies for radio and TV, OTI - Organization for Iberoamerican Television, Official Institute of radio and Television, Madrid, Spain, 1986; Professor of Applied Electronics (School of Engineering, Mackenzie Presbytarian University), Coordinator (Center for Radio Diffusion, Mackenzie presbyterian University), Advisor to the Presidency (Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute, Keeper of Mackenzie Presbyterian University), São Paulo,1982-1997; Professor of the Laboratory of Theory of Electronics, Federal Technical School, São Paulo,1982-1986; Electrical Engineer, Modality Electronics, School of Engineering, Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, 1979; Professor of the Laboratory of Theory of Electronics, Mackenzie College,1978-1981; Professor of the Laboratory of Theory of Electronics , Viscount of Porto Seguro College, São Paulo, 1977-1980; Assistant of the Laboratory of the Mackenzie Technical School, São Paulo, 1976- 1977; Laboratory Assistant in Electronics, Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute, São Paulo, 1972.
Professional Experience:
Support Manager, EBC - Brazilian Communications Company, Area of Engineering, Brasília, DF, Brazil, 2013-2016; Partner/Director, EBCom, São Paulo, 1998 onwards; Engineer I, Engineer II, Assessor of PCP (Planning and Control of Design), Director de Engineering and Operations, São Paulo, Director de Engineering for Affiliated Members, Globo Television Network, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 1982-1998; Civil Engineer, Amplimatic, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil, 1980-1982.
Other positions:
Counselor, SET - Brazilian Secretary of Television Engineering, São Paulo, 2019-2020; Director of Education, SET, São Paulo, 2003-2004; Participation, Congress NAB - National Association of Broadcasters, Las Vegas, USA ,1989 onwards; Participation, Congresses of SET, 1989 onwards; Founding Partner, SET, São Paulo, 1988 onwards.
Barueri Tower 500, Barueri, SP, Brazil